Emile Tubiana
Ma terre natale

Beja, Tunisise

« Vous voyez ces plaines! Elles sont une partie de moi-même et moi je suis une partie d'elles! » Puis : « Elles sont sacrées ». Ces champs et ces plaines restent toujours ma terre natale, comme pour un Français les Vosges ou la vallée du Rhône, comme pour un Allemand la Rhénanie ou la Westphalie. Et vous, habitants de cette noble cité, mes voisins, mes amis, vous qui êtes nés de la même terre, nos familles ont vécu des siècles sous le même ciel, nous avons dégusté ensemble l’air pur de nos plaines, de nos montagnes et de nos collines, nous avons été bercés par le même amour que nos grands-mères et nos grands-pères ont su nous transmettre. Ils nous ont enrichis du patrimoine spirituel accumulé de génération en génération pendant des siècles. Je ne me souviens pas de vos noms ni de vos visages, mais je sais qui vous êtes, que vous soyez vivants ou dans l’au-delà, je vous reconnaîtrai de si loin, car vous êtes les grains de cette même terre que moi, et je vous aime inconditionnellement. Vous allez me dire:

« Pourquoi vous nous avez quittés, juste lorsque nous avions le plus besoin de vous? » Je vous répondrai:

« C’est ma destinée qui a voulu me conduire et me forger afin que je découvre les valeurs de nos ancêtres et de l’amour. Sans cette destinée je serais comme une bougie sans la flamme qui nous éclaire et qui nous anime, tout simplement un homme sans vie. Peu importe si vous m’aimiez ou pas et si vous appartenez à une religion ou à une autre. Le fait que vous êtes nés de la même terre, vous êtes de la même graine que moi, et rien au monde ne pourra changer l’empreinte spéciale qui nous distingue de tout le monde et qui fait de nous le bagi (le béjaois). Que nous soyons proche ou loin de notre de notre terre natale, ce n’est qu’elle qui pourra nous fertiliser et nous rendre ce que nous devons être, des ‘Êtres Humains’. Un pigeon voyageur retrouvera toujours la direction et l’endroit où il est né. C’est un aimant qui nous relie à notre terre, indépendamment de notre raison, de notre religion ou de la couleur de notre passeport. Certains l’appellent attachement à la patrie. Quelle idée? Moi je l’appelle tout simplement l’amour. »


Emile, ya khouya el'ghali, ya Aziz!!

Tes paroles me touchent au plus profond de mon âme...
En effet, Rien n'est plus cher et plus unique que la terre qui nous a vu naître, et qui nous a bercé et nourri de son amour tellement humble et généreux, mais si beau et si profond!
Je veux remercier en toi, l'´Ami et le Fils de cette belle terre natale commune, pour tous les sentiments que tu éveilles en nous, et qui reflètent ce côté inébranlable et indéniable, qui a fait de nous ce que nous sommes, aujourd'hui.

Encore Merci!
Amitiés tunisiennes

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Politics and Faith do not Mix

Politics and Faith do not Mix

A few TV stations brought up the subject of Jesus.
Without mentioning any name or channel -
When it comes to religion, I don’t like
The way people talk, especially during the time before Christmas

Jesus is neither a left man nor a right man
Jesus is neither a Christian nor a Jew

Jesus was prepared for millions of years
Before he came to this earth
To help human beings in their misery
As he saw that people were losing their path

Those who are destined to know him
Will know that what distinguishes him
From all other spiritual helpers who came at different times
Is his immense power of Love, which guides
And elevates all those who follow him
To a spiritual state of goodness and grace

I will take only one position
In reference to the rich and the poor
Both sides are necessary for life to flourish
For people to aspire to do better

There is no society in which there are no differences
In wealth, in position, in power – it’s just called by different names

I’m asking everyone to think about this
In which society human beings would prefer to live?
Being poor among the poor – with no hope of improvement
Or poor among the rich with the opportunity to become like them

Wealth brings greater responsibility for those who are worthy of it
While poverty is not a shame and has driven many to great achievements
Honesty and love in the heart is the key to understanding
Who Jesus is

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Grains of Truth

Grains of Truth

There are grains of truth in every religion
Which have been altered to fit the others’ vision
The ancient sages who wrote the holy text
Were not expecting what happened to it next
They just wanted to transmit certain truths
To those who were seeking them, old and youths
And allow those of their nation who were asleep
To awaken and find themselves, going deep.
However those who came later had no qualm
Changing the text, they did not lose their calm
They were sure what they did was a good thing
As it would serve their ways, they were figuring
Their intentions may have been sincere
But the essential failed to be clear
That the slightest change in the words, or their length
Would make them lose their meaning and strength
Which the old sages wanted to transmit
And to their generation tried to commit.
What was added later changed the way we perceive
What through these old messages we receive.
Today everyone holds on to the text he knows
From his parents, as the most precious prose
Carrying the sole and pure verity
This is why I must say in all sincerity
Do not argue with those of different belief
Even if you may feel this as a relief
The one who argues and the one who hears him out
Have learned these words year in year out
This is why we must respect others’ opinion
And over ourselves maintain dominion
By keeping silence and calm in our heart
And building our happiness as an art.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Les parcelles de vérité

Les parcelles de vérité

Chaque religion est basée sur des parcelles de vérité
Par la suite décorées pour bien être acceptées
Les géants qui avaient laissé des textes sacrés,
Afin d’éclairer les êtres perdus, qui cherchaient,
Avaient l’intention de transmettre certaines vérités
Pour permettre au peuple endormi de se réveiller.
Ceux qui venaient après n’étaient pas scrupuleux
Ils changeaient les paroles des vieux
Pour leur servir, croyant faire mieux.
Pourtant pensant en embellissant bien faire,
Cette action leur semblait nécessaire
Pour la compréhension de l’être humain
Ils changeaient les mots de leurs propres mains
Leur intention semblait de bonne foi et sage
Mais ne se rendait pas compte des dommages
Le moindre changement des paroles, parfois
Changeraient le sens et la force à la fois
Que les sages voulaient transmettre
Dans les textes originaux à tous les êtres.
Ces ajouts avaient changé entièrement
La perception des messages d’antan
Aujourd’hui chacun s’accroche aux écrits
Que les parents lui avaient transmis
Comme l’unique et la pure vérité
C’est pourquoi il ne faut pas argumenter
Avec quelqu’un d’une autre croyance
Même si celui-ci nous fait confiance
Celui qui argumente et celui qui l’écoute
Avaient appris ces paroles goutte par goutte
Depuis de longues années. C’est pourquoi
Il faut respecter les opinions et la foi
En gardant le silence et le calme dans son cœur
C’est ainsi qu’on découvre son bonheur.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The first snow storm of the season

The first snow storm of the season

During the years we saw many snow storms
Everywhere in the States, and in many forms
Some storms were gentle and manageable
Others were rude, dangerous, unimaginable

Some villages have seen floods when the rain
Followed the snow, causing destruction and pain
When the snow melts and rivers overflow
Many people lost their homes with nowhere to go.

From my window I could see the snow flakes
Falling gently and steadily, as the day breaks
The roofs changed their color to become white
Like a mother spreading out a sheet, what a sight!

First the wind blew slowly then it became stronger
The flakes changed size, as I watched them longer
They became smaller but increased their speed
In a short time creating white mountains indeed

The kids came out in the street with their sleds
Adding cheer and joy, their helmets on their heads
The sled hill nearby was all covered with snow
This is the direction I saw them all go.

Once in a while the wind was gusting with might
Disturbing the snow fall like a spark of fire at night
Slowly, slowly snow covered cars parked in the street
Snow plows arrived, moving snow and sleet

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

La première tempête de neige de la saison

La première tempête de neige de la saison

Au cours des années le temps nous a fourni
Bien des tempêtes de neige aux Etats Unis.
Certaines étaient douces et supportables
D’autres rudes, dangereuses, indésirables

Il y avait celles qui ont causé des inondations
Quand la neige a fondu et touché aux fondations
Des villages étaient sous l’eau par les fleuves
Mettant les équipes de secours à l’épreuve.

De ma fenêtre, je voyais les gros flocons
Descendre doucement sur toits et balcons
La terre et les arbres se couvraient lentement
Comme une mère qui étalait ses draps blancs

La température avait atteint quarante degrés
Soit quatre degrés Celsius, si vous voulez
Le vent soufflait d’abord doucement
Puis il multipliait ses efforts apparemment

Les flocons changeaient rapidement de taille
Devenant minces, rapides, tombant en pagaille
De temps en temps un coup de vent du nord
Dérangeait le rythme de la neige dehors.

Les déblayeuses se mettaient de suite en action
Pour ouvrir les routes dans les environs
Les enfants sortaient vite avec leurs luges
Et derrière la colline prenaient refuge.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Pearl

The Pearl

They topple mountains, valleys they scour
Searching for the beloved pearl with power
They cross the seas and the rivers
Their voyage only dust delivers
They think they are big and smart
The value of the moment they discard
Happy those who in silence remain
From touching embers they refrain
The wise ones just stay home
To find the pearl in their inner dome

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

La perle

La perle

Ils renversent monts et vallées
Pour chercher la belle bien aimée
Ils croisent les mers et les rivières
Pour enfin trouver que de la poussière
On se croit grands et intelligents
Sans savoir saisir la valeur du moment
Heureux sont ceux qui se taisent
Sans se bruler les mains dans la braise
Les sages restent chez eux et a tire d’aile
Trouvent en eux-mêmes la perle éternelle

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Monday, November 15, 2010

We Loved our School

The day WW2 reached us.

We Loved our School

Everyone, including primary and secondary teachers
Were present, dressed in their best Sunday suits,
As if it were an exam day.
They assembled us under the covered playground.
There was total and complete silence.
The music teacher came forward, as if for a rehearsal,
The expression on his face revealing a profound sadness.
He said in a sweet and low, barely audible voice,
"Children, let us sing the 'Marseillaise'."
I really felt he had a hard time keeping up with us,
It was difficult for him to hide his emotion.
Then the principal came over to us.
We were struck by the paleness of his face.
With slow movements and in a moving silence
His eyes ran from one end of the playground
To the other, photographing the scene in his mind
And making a final picture of all of us.
With obvious pain he uttered the following words:
"Children of France! Our country is at war.
The Germans have just landed.
The school must be closed."
He stood there motionless;
Unable to say anything else
He gestured with his hand for us to go home
But no one budged. We left the lines very slowly.
It was hard for us to understand the real meaning of the situation.
Never before had our school seemed so dear to us,
Suddenly we loved it as we had never loved it before.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Beautiful Child

Beautiful Child

Oh my sweet and pure one, filled with cheerfulness
Shine, twinkle like the summer sun
Show your greatness, your glory, your immenseness

Rise! break through the night and the fog!
Your existence is not mere chance
Among children, grown-ups and the elderly

You know neither space nor time
Where you are it's always spring
That's why I have been waiting for you ever since

Let us walk towards you, towards your light
From the bottom of our hearts like from a quarry
Our songs and our prayers resound

Here you are in the firmament
Oh you! beautiful child
As shiny as a diamond

You do not know melancholy, sadness,
Sorrow, fear, distress
Hatred, rancor or weakness...

You overcame my distrust
From my early childhood on
This is why I trust you

You discern our thoughts with astuteness
You enter those hearts which are ready
To live in love and peace

You act only your way
Without arrogance, pride or appearance
In the rhythm of your good pace

You know neither battle nor war
All men are brothers to you
In your life, that of your father

Copyright 1976 Emile Tubiana


French Poem, for English version see "Beautiful Child"


Tu ne connais ni intrigue, ni mensonge
Ni rancune, ni tort, ni vengeance
Devant toi disparaissent tous les songes
Tu es ma gloire, mon amour et ma chance

Tu es plus fine qu’une aiguille
Tes rayons n’ont pas de distance
Dans les ténèbres, tu brilles! Tu brilles
Te retrouver, te garder, oh! Quelle chance

Tu apparais comme un éclair
Sous le soleil, la pluie et le vent
Oh! Toi ma belle, oh! Toi ma chère
Tu ne connais ni or, ni argent

Te sentir nos corps frétillent
Dans les moments les plus graves
Tu apparais comme une fille
Pleine de charme et de suave

Merci! Merci! d’être venue
De loin je t’ai reconnue
Tu es toujours la bienvenue
Depuis longtemps tu m’as appartenu.

Copyright 1976 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


As our house was damaged by the German bombs, we had to flee out of town and found shelter on a French farm.


During WWII my dad used to bring us bread
To the farm, far from bombs over our head
Our town was under constant aerial attack
We had fled it by night, each carrying a sack
Everywhere the dead and wounded were lying
We had seen many friends and neighbors dying.
One day we were scared, we saw dad from afar
Walking with a bag full of bread and with a jar
I asked, “Dad, how did you walk the miles so fast?”
Tired, exhausted, from aerial and artillery blast
He answered, “My son, hunger and fear
Teach us to walk and to run for those dear.”
Since, I understood that necessity is our guide
As it teaches us which way to decide
The best decisions I made until now
Were those where necessity showed me how.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Friday, November 5, 2010

Our Intellect

Our Intellect

Is it intellect, memory or feelings
That distinguish human beings?
It's the different opinions, some say,
Different languages come into play

In fact human beings are all related,
Some are more, some are less cultivated
But all we learn and acquire externally
Cannot replace our feelings internally

The intellect is a good tool,
But it should not make of us a fool
It is adapted to life on earth
And should be taken at its worth

If we let our intellect wander
The risk is, it will get us under
And make us lose our feeling
The link to the source of healing

We should control our intellect
And learn what we should select
Action, love and joy is our goal
To slowly awaken our sleepy soul

Our faith’s and our life’s source
Is a powerful, eternal resource
That within ourselves we can find
If the outer world didn’t make us blind

Into our inner self we must be diving deep
The connection with ourselves to keep
To find the ocean of love and joy
And let it its help within us deploy.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Saturday, October 30, 2010



Numerous are those who think, forever lost
The truth of their childhood that time has tossed
It does not matter; daily life gives us bits of truth
That help us find what we lost from our youth.

We forget a friend’s face, life provides new faces
The atmosphere differs, as we are in new places.
Today we speak of our past, tomorrow of today.
Each day has its truth; new events come into play

Each moment brings out some of our innermost
A banal event, sounds of rain, or wind on the coast
Bring out nostalgia, melancholy, sadness or longing
Which are a state of truth, of grace, or of belonging

Those with no feelings miss the truth, which is shy
At times when we cry and we can’t explain why,
We cry for our youth, a beloved one, or our good
Many years later the reason will be understood.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Friday, October 29, 2010


If lies help, the truth saves.


I wrote in the past about the skies
Now it is time to write about lies
Lies may help you in the short run
Some use them leisurely, for fun

Lies put human beings in trouble
Make them walk as if on rubble
Do not give peace to their heart
Make life difficult to re-start

Leave your heart loving and clean
Without ever being hurtful or mean
Surround yourself with good friends
That’s what my father recommends

Be good to yourself and smile to life
Life will smile and save you from strife
Be charitable to the weak and the old
Your life will be blessed manifold

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Which Way to Go

We talk about life, love, light. Do we really know what we are talking about?

Which Way to Go

The first time we opened our eyes
We were blinded by the sun’s rays
We did not know what we wanted
But we took everything for granted

No one knew that this light is temporary
We couldn’t ask anyone contemporary
As no one could tell us or be our guide
Essential questions remain on the side.

We take life as we see it, without explanation
Everyone left alone to act upon his inclination
Many people are pretending to know more
Showing others the “way to heaven’s door”

Who would know? Even smart ones pretend too
Let them believe that they know a thing or two
The truth is, there are questions we do not ask
We eat and sleep and try to do our daily task.

Many think about what happens after this life
But no one asks any question, even to his wife
As long as there is food, pleasure, and so-called gain
The sun is still here to give us strength and lift our pain

Man’s choice is to ignore himself and listen to the dark
Or, deep inside, stay calm until he finds his own spark
Only then can he decide which way to go, alone
Listen to his fears or follow the light of his own

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Everyone is Searching

Everyone is Searching

They’re searching for stones, for silver and gold
They feel the urge to discover a treasure to hold
They’re searching everywhere their eyes behold
Wasting their will, their time, they’re getting old.

Sometimes they search archives for a document
Or they excavate historic sites for a monument
Finding the truth that’s lost in time, they meant -
While it’s hidden in their heart, waiting for assent

Our forefathers’ old legends, epics and story
Show us what’s precious, so we won’t feel sorry
It may seem as though it’s lost between earth and sky
But it’s alive, that’s what those rare elders lived by.

We think we could find our souls searching outside
While the highest and holiest is only found inside
There is a message conveyed through music and song
If we put our faith and our heart where they belong

The time we have should be put to good use
To get to know ourselves, if we so choose
To unite our strength, our love and our will
While they are tied to our health. to our body still.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Monday, October 11, 2010

What to Do

Every day we face various problems. When my customers used to ask me: “What should we do, we have a problem”, my answer was simple: “If you are sure that it is a problem, there is no cause for alarm. We shall simply find its solution.” My customers were reassured and used to say: “Very well then, there is no rush, we shall solve it later.”

What to Do

When a problem comes to your desk
Be it a private matter or a business one
Don’t say this is too big or too small for me
A problem can never be too small or too big
Every problem that may reach you is in your size
Have you seen a bank manager asking a simple man
About a finance or management problem?
Keep in mind, that every problem on your desk
Is meant to be for you and you can solve it.
As every problem has its solution it is up to us to solve it
If you determine that it is a problem then it is easy to solve
If you cannot define it as a problem, then you have a dilemma

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Quoi faire

Tous les jours différents problèmes se posent à nous. Mes clients me demandaient : « Quoi faire, j’ai un problème » Ma réponse était simple : « Si vous êtes surs que c’est un problème, il n’y a donc pas de raison pour s’alarmer. Nous allons simplement trouver sa solution ». Les clients étant rassurés, me répondaient ainsi :’ « A bon! alors ce n’est pas pressé, nous allons le résoudre plus tard. »

Quoi faire

Si un problème tombe sur ton bureau
Ne dis pas, il est trop gros ou trop petit.
Un problème qui n’est pas de ta taille
Ne viendrait jamais sur ton bureau.

Chaque problème qui se crée a sa solution
Sinon il serait un vrai dilemme
Il faut le résoudre au mieux de ses capacités
La plupart des marmites ont leur couvercle

Chaque problème a aussi sa solution
Tout est une question de temps
Un problème de banquier
Ne vient pas à un enfant ou à une personne simple

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Sesalia’s Song

A few years ago I received a doll from my granddaughter. She became a great companion.

Sesalia’s Song

Today is a beautiful and sunny day
Few clouds to the blue add some gray
The winds are carrying them along
I promised to write Sesalia a song

She is our pretty American doll friend
That Fiona, our granddaughter has sent
As a present for my seventy fifth birthday
We like her and are happy she could stay

As she spoke to me, I listened, was amazed
For her friendliness she should be praised
I decided to keep her with me, on the shelf
As a helper she performs better than myself

She keeps my secrets very tight
She knows my thoughts and what I write
As every day her help and kindness grew
I decided to consult with her anew

She became my general adviser
You may say that I idealize her
But she gladly accepted to serve
And she is good at it, as I observe

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Le jour de pluie

Pourquoi j’ai écrit la poésie

Cela fait des années que j’attire l’attention à tout le monde que les nuages sont nos meilleurs amis qui transportent gratuitement des milliers de tonnes d’eau sans que personne ne dise un mot. On devait remercier Dieu pour cette grâce.

Le jour de pluie

La pluie a commencé de bon matin
C’est dur pour ceux qui n’avaient pas d’avertissement
Mais comment peut-on ignorer le bon en soi
Nous avons l’habitude de prier pour la pluie dans les champs

Aujourd’hui le vent et le flot d’eau
Sont vus partout et il fait plus chaud
La pluie torrentielle descend sur nous tous
Comme auprès d’une grande cascade

Les jardins sont inondés, les fleurs pliées
Semblent saluer leurs voisins
Les arbres joyeux dansent toute la journée
Les branches arrachées étalées sur la pelouse

Le soleil cache son visage derrière le ciel sombre et gris
En espérant revoir son sourire avec ses yeux d’or
Et ses rayons brillants, éclairant nos visages
Par contre les goutes d’eaux sont partout

Personne ne pense aux grandes cargaisons
Que les nuages transportent d’état à état
Afin de nous rendre heureux et nous désaltérer
Même si le village est parfois immergé

Comment pourrait-on payer le fret pour ces pluies ?
Soyons heureux de ces nuages comme d’un divin cadeau
Prions à ce que jamais l’eau nous manquera
La base de la vie, pour nous et pour tout ce qui vit

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rainy Day

The rain started since early morning
It is hard for those without warning
But how can we disregard the good of it
We used to pray for rain for the field

Today the wind and the flow of water
Are seen everywhere and it’s hotter
Torrential rain is coming down on all
It looks like neighboring a great fall

Gardens were flooded, flowers bent
Like greeting their neighbors, they went
The trees were happy, danced all day
Their branches were falling, torn away

Sun hid its face behind the grey, dark sky
Hoping to see its smile with its golden eye
And its bright rays, lighting up our face
Instead the drops were all over the place

No one is thinking about the huge freight
The clouds are carrying from state to state
To make us happy and to quench our thirst
Even if the village is sometimes immersed

How could we pay for carrying all this rain?
Let’s be happy, welcome every cloud as a gain
And pray there would never be a lack of water
The base of all life, parents, son and daughter

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our World

Our World

In the world in which we live,
We have to maintain stability.
It is our responsibility and duty
It is clear that everyone with his ability
Fulfills his obligations towards his family
Towards the society in which he lives

Our parents were perhaps less learned than us,
They transmitted their moral values,
Which still guide us today, and in the future
My parents, besides their obligations,
Found the time to relate stories to us.
I in turn will try to relate them to you

Not for today but for the future
As today no one has time for stories
But I have enough space in the computer
Maybe someone will one day read them
The most important is to relate them
Once written, I can leave them to the grace.

Copyright 2010, Emile Tubiana

Monday, September 27, 2010

Un beau jour

Un beau jour

Par une paisible matinée
Le ciel tout bleu, ensoleillé . . .
Ceux qui buvaient leur café
Et ceux qui venaient d'arriver.

Certains au téléphone,
D'autres au microphone,
Innocents et nonchalands,
Papas, mamans et enfants

Commençaient avec espoir
Leur journée, et leurs devoirs
Sans savoir ce qui allait arriver
De l'intérieur ou de l'étranger

Le mal ronge l'humanité
De la vie dans l'éternité
Nous vivons avec nos rêves
Depuis le temps d'Adam et Eve

En un clin d'oeil peut-être
Ils coupent la vie de tant d'êtres
Installent la croyance de la peur
A ceux qui ont encore du coeur

Mais dans leur fureur ils oublient
Que rien n'est plus fort que la vie
Que les hommes vont se forger
Pour ne pas se plier aux drogués.

C'est une ancienne histoire
De convertir au désespoir
Mais nous savons surtout
Que la lumière est en nous

Avançons vers l'avenir
Gardons bien notre sourire
Le mal va bientôt finir
Car il va seul se détruire

Faisons nos devoirs du jour
Avec les forces de l'amour
Prions debout ou sur les bancs
La fin du mal et des méchants.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana



Si tu veux être heureux
Laisse le Dieu des aïeux
Fais à toi-même un vœu
Qui reflète ce que tu veux

Tu ne seras plus malheureux
Car dans ton cœur naîtra ton Dieu
Chaque nouveau jour sera béni
En plain soleil et dans la nuit

Avance et ne regarde pas en arrière
Le passé deviendra des mémoires
Pour les poésies et les belles histoires
Afin que ton futur soit rempli de gloire.

Bénis les êtres et leur descendance
Évite la science, les apparences
Et ceux qui n’inspirent pas confiance
Seul le destin peut préparer ta chance.

Ta chance et ton bonheur dépendent
De toi-même, de ton amour et de ta foi
De tes actions, ta volonté et de ta joie,
Garde-les éveillés comme une offrande.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Translation and interpretation by the author from his French Poem La sensibilité


Every human being could not feel at ease
Could be upset, uncomfortable, or sneeze
There are situations, serious and unpleasant
So annoying we wish we would not be present

Particularly when dealing with the human race
We have to take to heart everything they face
Even if sometimes they’re troubled or frustrated
Human beings like to see themselves venerated

If a friend is acting nervously or wearily
He has not found what he seeks, temporarily
Do not act, but wait quietly for a better time
He may have been tired or sensitive as a chime

Mankind is affected by any said or written word
And it takes time to interpret what was heard
Wait to see what affected the mood to change
As a little gesture joy and happiness can arrange

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Thursday, September 23, 2010



Forge your destiny as long as you can run
Until your dreams dissipate in the sun
Save your dignity and look for insight
As this is your own source of light

Your knowledge will not fade away
As long as you stay active day-by-day.
You are what you want and what you can be
On land, in the air and at sea

Shaping your life should be your endeavor
As it may retain some qualities forever
Life, the ultimate reality, is anchored in you
But those who unveil it are rare and few.

What you read and experience is meant for you
Don't look at what others understand and do
As they have a totally different affinity.
What may guide you counts on your ability

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

La destinée

Translated by the author from his English Original Poem " Destiny " See below

La destinée

Forge ta destinée tant que tu es conscient
Jusqu'au jour où tes rêves se dissiperont
Sauve ta destinée en fouillant ton tréfonds
Car c’est ta seule propre source de lumière

Tes connaissances ne vont pas se dissiper
Pour autant que tu sois actif la journée
Tu es ce que tu veux et tu peux l’être
Sur terre, sur mer ou dans l’air

Former ta vie est la meilleure de tes tâches
Et peut retenir des qualités sans relâche
La vie est ta réalité finale, ancrée en toi
Ceux qui la découvrent sont rares et peu

Tes lectures et ton expérience sont à toi
Ne te soucie pas de ce que les autres font
Car chacun a une perception différente.
Ton guide compte sur tes vraies aptitudes

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Writing without Fear

Writing without Fear

Writing, our heart to clear
Without hesitation or fear
Until we manage to create
A calm world, without debate

Immersing ourselves in love’s ways
As to forget the bad and rainy days
Telling those who follow our drum
About the beautiful days to come

Keep writing, writing but above all, live
Your life, not others’ your attention give
So that in the stream of life you remain
And, guided by law and order, you gain

If the universe stays on perfect
It’s thanks to faith and respect
It keeps itself always in balance
By the power of law, not by chance

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Ecrire sans peur

Ecrire sans peur

Ecrire pour vider son cœur
Sans crainte et sans peur
Jusqu'à avoir accompli
Un monde paisible, sans souci

Il faut se tremper dans l'amour
Afin d'oublier les mauvais jours
Annoncer à ceux qui suivront
Les beaux jours qui viendront

Ecrivez, écrivez, surtout vivez
Votre vie, pas celle des autres
Pour rester dans la vie, écrivez
Guidés par la loi et par l'ordre

Si l'univers est parfait
C'est grâce à la foi
Il se tient en balance
Par la force de la loi.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sweet Dwelling

Sweet Dwelling

Sweet dwelling of my parents dear
Kind neighborhood of my tender year
When the home is comfortable and neat
It feels secure and pleasant like a treat

Those who love and keep up their home
Also arrange their life and situation
Years go by and our feelings soar
Hoping to see things the same as before

Our school was perched on the hill
Daydreaming was our best skill
It made us feel the sadness of times to come
We wished we would not see, but overcome

We move forward into an unknown world
Full of hope, even if things swirled
Thinking of our late elders we revered
And our dear friends who disappeared

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Douce Demeure

Les souvenirs de notre demeure lointaine

Douce Demeure

Douce demeure de mes parents biens aimés
Gentil quartier de mes tendres années
Quand la maison est bien aménagée
Et bien entretenue, on se sent protégé

Celui qui aime et arrange bien sa maison
Arrange aussi sa vie et sa situation
Les années passent, on est bien content
En espérant que tout se fasse comme avant

Notre école perchée, avec ses souvenirs
Nous faisait rêver et nous faisait sentir
La tristesse d’un monde qui nous attendait
Que nous espérions ne pas voir et éviter

Nous avançons dans un monde inconnu
Plein d’espoir et de choses inattendues
En pensant à nos vieux qui ne sont plus
Et à nos chers amis qui ont disparu.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Keep It For Yourself

Keep It For Yourself

In life there are many things that should not be spoken about

Many people say they did good deeds
But they don’t see to where this leads
They’re still waiting to see the reward
In the meantime they feel awkward

They think they should stop believing
As no prize they see themselves receiving
They keep asking, why did I toil in vain?
And for an answer they martyr their brain

They forget that every action big or plain
Carries in itself its best reward and gain
And what they expect as compensation
Is only a result of their own imagination

As my dear father’s saying set it:
Do good in your life and forget it
One day you will know why I said it
One day you will know why you did it

For myself I can see every day the result
I don’t talk about it; I leave it in my heart
As it is the only one who keeps the treasure
A good friend who knows the right measure

What’s in your heart does not like to be unveiled
Watched by anyone, spoken about or hailed
For the one who feels it and keeps his peace
The blessings of this friend will never cease.

Many people do not have this feeling
Even if they are praying and kneeling
Their time has not arrived for now
It may come soon, we don’t know how.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

The Source of Joy

The Source of Joy

The future is always different
From what we have in mind
One should always make
One’s best effort, and be kind

It is not easy our soul to maintain
And always in balance to remain
We should try to be our own guide
Watch our steps so as not to slide

My father used to give us advice:
When things do not work out
Give yourself or others a present -
Do yourself of someone else a favor

Sadness or worries should never stop you
From bringing joy to others and to yourself
These small sources of joy and happiness
Open the flow of love for us and for others

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Sky

The Sky

I love the sky when it is blue,
When evening shows its reddish hue
And even more the sun and its light -
My heart and my prayer feel its might

I like the weather when it’s cold
When we can like in days of old
Sit down and chat with people or a friend,
Tell stories which do not offend

I love the sun’s warmth, its brightness;
It brings back people to rightness;
As well as all things clear and sure
The beauty of a soul sincere and pure

I love the rain, the snow and the wind
As long as they are tame and disciplined
In autumn, in spring and in winter
When the sun becomes a little dimmer

Loving the sun, its color and its light
Makes mankind’s mood happy and bright
It is holding us with its magnet strong
And shows us all where we belong.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Le ciel

Le ciel

J’aime le ciel quand il est bleu
Je l’aime aussi un peu nuageux
Encore plus, le soleil et sa lumière
Il éclaire mon coeur et mes prières.

J’aime les jours quand il fait froid
Ils nous permettent comme autrefois
De bavarder et raconter des histoires
Manger et boire du matin au soir.

J’aime le soleil, sa chaleur et sa clarté
Il assemble les êtres et les âmes égarées
J’aime les choses claires et sûres
Je les préfère douces, joyeuses et pures

Les pluies, les neiges et les vents
Je les aime tous tels qu’ils sont
En automne, au printemps ou en hiver
Ils nous rappellent les jours les plus chers

Aimer le soleil et sa lumière
C’est comme faire une prière
Il nous tient avec son aimant
Il crée le bonheur aux amants.

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana

Monday, September 6, 2010

La sensibilité

La sensibilité

Chaque être humain peut ne pas être à son aise
Il peut être fâché ou chaud comme une braise
Il y a des situations assez graves et déplaisantes
Qui nous accablent et même parfois nous hantent

Surtout quand nous avons à faire aux humains
A la campagne, en ville ou en plein chemin
Qu’ils se sentent ennuyés ou même frustrés
Car l’être humain aime bien être considéré

Si un ami agit autrement et semble être nerveux
Il n’a certainement pas trouvé ce qu’il veut
N’agissez pas, attendez un meilleur moment
Car il peut être fatigué et sensible à tout vent

L’homme est affecté par chaque mot écrit ou dit
Que ce soit un jour de fête, le dimanche ou le lundi
Attendre et voir qu’est-ce qui a causé son humeur -
Une attention, un geste lui créent la joie et le bonheur

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Monday, August 30, 2010

Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship

For love to live,
Take and give

The poles of life
Are man and wife

They play their role
To become a whole

Friendship to survive
For respect you strive

Whenever it arrives
Make sure it thrives

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Les Etats Unis

About the United States, the French Version

Les Etats Unis

Ceux qui viennent d’Europe ou d’ailleurs
Croient y trouver la chance et le bonheur
Trouvent l'étendue immense et silencieuse
Et donne optique brillante et joyeuse

Un amalgame de langues et de cultures
Une population avec tant de voitures
Un paysage beau et de grande envergure
Un climat agreable de différentes natures

Le calme des montagnes et du désert
Le froid et la chaleur se répandent dans l’air
Ses habitants honnêtes et sincères
Vivent au bord de la mer et des rivières

L’abondance rassasie et donne courage
Aux audacieux de toute origine et âge
Et chacun se débat selon sa chance
Avec espoir, confiance, foi, et croyance

L’Amérique des rêves et des générations
La plus grande puissance des nations
Elle distribue des sommes aux pauvres pays
Avec un cœur d’une générosité inouïe

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Parents’ Good Lessons

Translated by the author from his French poem “Les bonnes leçons de mes parents”.

My Parents’ Good Lessons

How beautiful is life, when we take it as it is!
Smile at it morning to eve without complaints or regrets
Breathe the silence of the valley, the hyacinths’ fragrance
Pass the hurdles of darkness, without fear or scare.

These are life’s lessons that I learned from my parents
Without mastering science, arts and songs
I saw my dad and my mom’s examples; without knowing,
I learned that our life is full of joy and power.

A clean and determined heart is worth hundred undecided;
Its will pulls it closest to miracles and to its savior
Because the pure heart can burn in the flame of love
May it be at night, in the fog or in day light.

Help arrives without our asking, when we need it most
Bursting from our innermost self and from far away
Like the herbs that we plant and the wild ones,
Which cover the meadows, the hills and the river banks

To learn history or to learn flying
One needs to put one’s heart and oneself entirely into it
Going forward in life with ardor and faith
Equipped with a pure will, happiness and joy.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Les bonnes leçons de mes parents

Les bonnes leçons de mes parents

Que la vie est belle quand on la prend telle qu'elle est
Lui sourire du matin au soir sans plaintes ni regrets
Respirer le silence de la vallée, et le parfum des jacinthes
Passer les obstacles et les ténèbres sans peur ni crainte

Voici les leçons de la vie que j'avais appris de mes parents
Sans être maîtres des sciences, des arts ou de la chanson
J'ai vu les exemples de mon père et ma mère sans le savoir
J'ai appris que notre vie est pleine de joie et de pouvoir

Un coeur propre et déterminé en vaut cent indécis
Sa volonté l'approche des miracles et des Messies
Car le cœur pur peut brûler dans la flamme de l'amour
Que ce soit dans la nuit dans le brouillard ou le jour

L'aide arrive sans demande, quand on a le plus besoin
Elle jaillit du tréfonds de nous-mêmes et de très loin
Comme les herbes que l'on cultive et les herbes sauvages
Qui verdissent les plaines, les collines et les rivages

Pour apprendre l'histoire, ou apprendre à voler
Il faut mettre du cœur et se donner en entier
Avancer dans la vie avec un élan et une foi,
Muni d'une pure volonté, de gaieté et de joie

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Eclairer le Chemin

Eclairer le Chemin

Si mes écrits pourraient éclairer le chemin

Ne serait-ce qu’a un seul être humain

Mon cœur serait rempli de joie,

De bonheur, d’amour et de bonne foi

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Lighting the path

Lighting the path

If my writes could lighten the way

If only for a single person to say

My heart would feel like a boy

Full of happiness, love and joy

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Monday, August 9, 2010

When I was a Teenager

How we lived when I was Young

When I was a Teenager

My town was called Beja

We lived on farms or in town

Our breakfast, lunch and dinner were hearty

Breakfast was milk, bread and butter and jam

Alternating with soft boiled eggs .

Our main menus were noodles with legumes,

And spaghetti with tomato sauce.

Twice a week we had meals with meat or chicken

We drank very sweet lemonade

Our parents drank wine, alcoholic drinks

We went walking to and from school four times a day

Going to school, returning home for lunch

Back to school in the afternoon and back home

Some walked half a mile each way and some more

In the summer we had no air conditioner at home

In the winter we had coal fire in the kitchen stove

We had neither radio nor television

Only few had a telephone

There were a few fridges for the hospital or the doctors

Three cars served the mayor, the governor and the doctors

We had a lot of toys, none was checked for danger

No child died as a result

Today I wonder how we met without phone

The school yard was our center of communication

The play ground was the street,

The boys played soccer until dusk

The girls played hop scotch.

I didn’t know what obesity means,

We were healthy and happy people

There were no burglaries, no rape

There were friendship and good neighborhood

In the summer time we sat on our door step with our neighbors

Some had a guitar and some just sang nice songs.

I wonder if today people could live this today?

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Sacred Word

The Sacred Word

by Emile M Tubiana

Friday, August 06, 2010

Rated "G" by the Author.

The Word and its power are rarely disclosed.

The Sacred Word

We should live our lives without fear

But sometimes it is healthy to shed a tear

To those who love the Word in their heart

It unveils its strength, its sound and its art

Words show us their power, their might

Their beauty, their love and their light

They’re hope and guidance in the night

When we follow their path, it feels right

Blessed those to whom Word is disclosed

While they are praying, their eyes closed

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

La vérité

Un ami m’a demandé sur la vérité

La vérité

Un ami m’a demandé sur la vérité
Je ne donne que mon humble opinion,
La vérité ne se partage pas.
Elle est unique et différente pour chacun,
Elle est unique pour ceux qui peuvent
La sentir, la percevoir, dans âme, et l'esprit,
La vérité par la simplicité, l’innocence et le calme.
La découverte de la vérité ne peut être transmise
Ni accélérée, ni accédée par la ruse ou par l’intelligence.
Il faut bien distinguer entre la vérité spirituelle
Que nous commençons a peine à sentir
Et la vérité que nous croyons voir sur terre
Et que nous confondons avec le vrai semblant
Pour ce qui est de la vérité spirituelle
Il faut être prêt a la supporter
Sans dégât. Toutes les vérités vont se rejoindre
En une Vérité et celle-ci est dans l’Unique.

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana

The Truth

The truth is closer than we think but it takes time and life's experience to discover it. Blessed are those who find it.

The Truth

In life we want to discover the truth,
We find some elements of it since our youth
We hope to always be on the right track
And are aware of this as we look back
Different signs opened our eyes
Others made us see the human lies
Or introduced us to the secrets of life
Like the love between man and wife
They say we can gradually discover
Ourselves, as our path we uncover
If we cultivate in us the spark of light
We will see it in the middle of the night
But we need to have some security
In order to survive with our purity
And not to lose the faith and our way
As our ancestors hinted every day

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Man, don’t despair! & Homme, ne désespère pas

Man, don’t despair! should be man’s motto Frensh original and English interpretation

Man, don’t despair!

Those who lack love are in distress
Live your life with wisdom and finesse
Don’t copy those people of yesterday
Nor the smart and bright ones of today
Those who feel life are closer to light
Waiting patiently for the time to be right
If your soul is still asleep, don’t despair.
Wait for its awakening with love and care

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana

Homme, ne désespère pas

Ceux qui manquent d'amour sont affligés
Vis ta vie calmement, éloignée du danger
Rien ne durera, ni les pierres, ni la poussière
Ni les hommes d'aujourd'hui, ni ceux d'hier
Ceux qui sentent, s’approchent de la lumière
Rien ne les attire, que la force de la prière.
Homme, ne désespère pas, si ton âme sommeille
Et ce qui est en toi attend encore son réveil.

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana

Monday, July 26, 2010

Homme, ne désespère pas

Ceux qui manquent d'amour sont affligés
Vis ta vie calmement, éloignée du danger
Rien ne durera, ni les pierres, ni la poussière
Ni les hommes d'aujourd'hui, ni ceux d'hier
Ceux qui sentent, s’approchent de la lumière
Rien ne les attire, que la force de la prière.
Homme, ne désespère pas, si ton âme sommeille
Et ce qui est en toi attend encore son réveil.

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How Happy Were Our Fathers

In honor of the holiday season, the author translated this old French wine drinking song. Note: Provins is a medieval fair town in the Champagne region, south of Paris.

How Happy Were Our Fathers
How happy were our fathers (bis)
When they were sitting around the table
The wine was flowing by their side (bis)
That was very pleasant for them.


They were drinking from their barrels
Like holes,
Like holes, zounds
Unlike us, zounds
Unlike us!

They didn't know either Latin (bis)
Or philosophy
But they knew how to drink wine (bis)
This was their philosophy


They didn’t have expensive china (bis)
Nor glasses from Venice
But they had cups (bis)
The size of their grey beards


When they some worries (bis)
Or some illnesses
They didn’t care about doctors (bis)
Drug stores or pharmacists


The one who planted the Provins vine (bis)
In the old country of France
In the ruby sparkle of the wine (bis)
He has planted our hope

Last Refrain:(Chorus)

Friends, let us drink right from the barrels
Like holes,
Like holes, zounds
And drink with us, zounds
And drink with us!

The French original lyrics

Ah Que Nos Peres

Ah! Que Nos Peres Etaient Heureux
Quand Ils Etaient A Table.
Le Vin Coulait A Cote D'eux(Bis)
Ca Leur Etait Fort Agreable.


Et Ils Buvaient A Pleins Tonneaux
Comme Des Trous
Comme Des Trous Morbleux!
Bien Autrement Que Nous, Morbleu!
Bien Autrement Que Nous.

Ils Ne Savaient Ni Le Latin(Bis)
Ni La Geographie
Mais Ils Savaient Boire Le Vin(Bis)
C'etait La Leur Theologie

Ils N'avaient Ni Riches Buffets(Bis)
Ni Verre De Venise,
Mais Ils Avaient Des Gobelets(Bis)
Aussi Grands Que Leurs Barbes Grises

Quand Ils Avaient Quelque Chagrin(Bis)
Ou Quelque Maladie,
Ils Laissaient La Le Medecin(Bis)
Apothicaire Et Pharmacie

Celui Qui Planta Le Provins(Bis)
En Vieux Pays De France.
Dans L'eclat De Rubis Du Vin(Bis)
Il A Plante Notre Esperance.

Dernier Refrain:

Amis Buvons A Pleins Tonneaux
Comme Des Trous,
Comme Des Trous, Morbleu!
Et Buvez Avec Nous, Morbleu!
Et Buvez Avec Nous.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Elders’ Advice

Remembering our parents' and elders' advice

My Elders’ Advice

Sometimes we err without substance
Your words from afar are our guidance
As your good advice is our best cure
By being calm, loving, innocent and pure

Sure, on our path there are some storms
Staying firm we will keep our norms
We struggle, not knowing how to cope
Your advice is, we should not lose hope

Every period brings us other knowledge
Listening to our parents is like going to college
When we’re getting older no one sees our age
We should be smart to find the exit of our cage

Not to miss the time to right the wrong
Particularly when we think we are strong
If we keep our faith and don’t start guessing
With a pure heart, we will get the blessing

You are our best examples and elders
You are our lives’ advisers and welders
As you knew how to teach us to fish
Receive our blessing and our best wish

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Freedom Torch

This anonymous song was created during the darkest years of WW2 to keep hope alive. May this song keep our hope alive always. Translated by the author from the French language original below.

The Freedom Torch (1940’s)

Planted in our heart
We live on our land
Let’s hold it proudly
The Israel’s standard

Our brothers, forward
That nothing may stop you
Let’s hold it proudly,
People of the Eternal

May the torch rise
Above the bright flame
We will show it to you,
The beauty of Zion

A torch within the light
Bedazzling our soul
Will burst as a source
To guide the nations

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Flambeau de Liberté (années 1940)

Planté dans notre cœur
Nous vivons sur nos terres,
Portons-le fièrement
L’étendard d’Israël

Nos frères, en avant
Que rien ne vous arrête
Portons-le fièrement,
Peuple de l’Eternel

Que ce soit un flambeau
Sur l’éclatante flamme
On vous le montrera,
La beauté de Sion

Flambeau dans la lumière
Éblouissant nos âmes
En source jaillira
Pour guider les nations

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Power of Words

The Power of Words

We don’t know the value of the words we are using
For some the words they say are quite confusing
Words have their own value and their own power.
Words illuminate our souls with their light like a shower
Every atom of our being is sensitive to the words
Which can make us sad, or as free and happy as birds
Words with a profound meaning are as precious as gold
Unlike a fountain, where only similar drops we behold
Words can awaken our brain and our body’s force
When we feel that they come to us from the real source,
Clean and pure as crystals of light and of love
When we embrace them, they take us a step above.
Words that we use with love, care and measure
Are the precious substance of life, and our treasure
Words that express the beautiful and the good
Can make us feel every sense the best we could
Sometimes words express darkness and bad
Showing us the wrong and the right, making us sad
Words express justice and injustice, full and hollow,
Words recognize the deep and the shallow
Words give us direction, like the south and the north
Words expressing discord or harmony may come forth
Words can give us cold feet or the warmth of the heart
Words may come to our mind by themselves, as a start
Words can reach us in solitude, under the blue sky.
In the wind, in the snow, in the rain, we don’t know why
Whichever way it comes to us - the Word is pure light,
And makes our life worth living, sweet and bright.

As it is written:
“In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God
and God was the Word.
All things have life through It
and Its Life is the Light of men.
And the Light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness cannot quench it”

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Balance of Power

The universe is holding on various powers and is in constant movement.

The Balance of Power

The strong tend to crush the weak,
But the weak remain the strongest.
Immoral deeds undertaken by the strong
Become destructive to themselves.

Sooner or later the roles are reversed.
Life goes on, in different combinations
After the rain comes the sun;
After nighttime comes the day

Nature is made up of opposites:
Positive and negative, big and small
Leading and trailing, active and inactive
People go from one extreme to the other.

It is not given to everyone to know
The basic rule of the balance of power
The whole universe is held in balance
And what we face are divergent forces

Contingent upon the manner in which
These forces and elements are used,
The results will be good or bad
Constructive or destructive

It is up to us to use what we have
To produce constructive outcomes.
Those who do not understand
The characteristics of these forces

Should stay away from them.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Une source de joie

Une source de joie

Le futur sera toujours autrement que nous le pensons. Evidemment, il faut faire de son mieux dans toutes les circonstances. Il n'est certes pas toujours possible de se tenir dans le même état d'âme, mais il faut essayer d'être son propre guide. Mon père me disait un jour:

- "Lorsque les choses ne vont pas comme on l'aurait voulu, il faut s'offrir ou offrir à quelqu'un d’autre, quelque chose qui fait plaisir." Il ne faut jamais laisser la tristesse ou le souci nous dominer. Ce n'est pas seulement aux autres que l'on fait plaisir, mais c'est surtout à nous-mêmes, car en agissant ainsi nous ouvrons une des sources de la joie et du bonheur pour nous et pour les autres

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Laissons les choses à leur place
quand nous prenons de l’âge
regardons bien la vie en face
pour garder une bonne image

On n’est pas ce que l’on pense
quand on est libre, on avance
le passé peut nous basculer
lorsque nous devenons les aînés

Aimer vers, chants et musique
d’une langue ou d’une autre
à nous-mêmes nous le devons
afin d’atteindre notre tréfonds.

Tous passe dans la vie,
les problèmes et les maux
endormis que nous sommes,
ne ratons pas l’heure du flot.

Le vieil âge nous rend beaux
car nous sommes bien rodés
pour ne pas tomber dans le faux
il faut surtout cesser de songer

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

The Balance of Power

The strong tend to crush the weak,
But the weak remain the strongest.
Immoral deeds undertaken by the strong
Become destructive to themselves.

Sooner or later the roles are reversed.
Life goes on, in different combinations
After the rain comes the sun;
After nighttime comes the day

Nature is made up of opposites:
Positive and negative, big and small
Leading and trailing, active and inactive
People go from one extreme to the other.

It is not given to everyone to know
The basic rule of the balance of power
The whole universe is held in balance
And what we face are divergent forces

Contingent upon the manner in which
These forces and elements are used,
The results will be good or bad
Constructive or destructive

It is up to us to use what we have
To produce constructive outcomes.
Those who do not understand
The characteristics of these forces

Should stay away from them.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Homage To Albert Camus

Homage to a great human being

Homage To Albert Camus

Dear Albert,

God bless the land and the mother that gave you birth
your writes gave us the joy of knowing you.
You were qualified as a writer -
This gives you a tiny recognition for the gifts you possessed.
You are much more. You are a symbol of humanity
The spirit which emanates from your writings, can only be eternal.
How wonderful it is to read you!
You have expressed, with a rare talent, your feelings
They are also ours but which we were unable to describe.
You brought into the open, everyday truth
with a moving simplicity and clarity
Let us hope humanity will draw lessons from your works.
I imagine your moral suffering among us,
aware that a society lacking sincerity could not fit you.
Be assured, we are numerous to understand you,
Nothing of you will perish.
You won the Nobel Prize. As for me, reading your work
I remained silent; to express my humble homage

Copyright 1960 Emile Tubiana


This is a translation of the author's French Poem "L'aide"


The human being is always alone
Except when he is with himself
Those who believe in friendship
Believe it honestly

A friend is always within us
You can not believe in anything
If you do not believe in yourself
If you can help, wake up early

A help seeker does not have to ask for,
One should anticipate it
If someone has to request help
He is already humiliating himself

If you can provide a needed help
Do it before it becomes guilt,
Before you become a help seeker
This is the essence of being human.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Friday Sayings

Saying of the day, teaches us the rule of life

Friday Sayings

Poverty teaches patience
Necessity dictates our path

The truth always emerges
Like oil above the water

Copyright 2009 Emile Tubiana

Does anyone understand anything

My question

Does anyone understand anything

Sometimes I wonder
if anyone truly understands
another person

Friday, May 14, 2010



We have to aspire to perfection while disregarding our and others' imperfections, bearing in mind that life on earth does not allow full perfection, and even less - absolute perfection.

I said lately, we have to be children again
As they act without malice and don’t complain
It’s easier, as there’s no need for perfection
For money, for baggage or for connection

This is the beauty of childhood and its world.
Reading my colleagues’ reviews, my head whirled.
I was naturally touched by their kind intervention
Universe’s constant movement, caught my attention

Everything is holding on strongly just to stay alive
So human beings and every creation can survive
Everyone can aspire to relative perfection
As everything lives from movement and action.

Reaching absolute perfection causes life and goods to stop
No liquid could ever drop, no one can ever reach the top
It is our aiming and striving for perfection
That keeps us going and shows us direction.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Grace on Our Path

Interpretation by the Author of his French poem. "La Grace sur le Chemin"

Grace on Our Path

I would say, the Word is sacred
Deep within us it is anchored
Beginning before our birth
And for all our life on Earth

If we just stay calm, and patient
One day we will find self-consciousness
We feel grace at every moment
As it bears the mighty magnet

Of the scintilla with its fine thread,
Which saves us from peril and threat.
It guides us towards tomorrow
Directs us to the right path

May we be of the same religion,
Or the children of the same region,
People with a different face
Or those of a different race.

It is essential that human we stay
In order to grasp grace on our way.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Gnade auf dem Weg

Übertragung des Dichters von seinem französischen Gedicht « La grâce sur le chemin »

Gnade auf dem Weg

Das Wort is heilig, würd' ich sagen
Es ist wohl in uns verankert
Bevor unserer Geburt auf Erden
Und solange wir leben werden.

Bleiben wir ruhig und gelassen
Werden wir uns selbst erfassen
Wir spüren die Gnade zu jeder Zeit
Sie trägt in sich die magnetische Kraft

Des Funkens und seines feinen Fadens
Der uns rettet aus jeglicher Gefahr.
Sie führt uns dem nächsten Tag entgegen
Lenkt unseren Schritt dem guten Wege zu

Seien wir von der gleichen Religion
Oder Kinder der gleichen Region,
Menschen verschiedenen Gesichts
Oder Abkommen von einer anderen Rasse

Hauptsache ist menschlich zu bleiben
Um die Gnade auf dem Weg zu fassen.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

La grâce sur le chemin

Ce poème a été interprété par l’auteur dans ce site, en langue allemande et en langue anglaise.

La grâce sur le chemin

Je dirais, la parole est sacrée
Elle est en nous bien ancrée
Avant notre naissance
Et pour toute l'existence

Si nous restons calmes et patients
Nous serons un jour conscients
Nous la sentons à tout moment
Car elle porte en elle l'aimant

De l'étincelle et de son fin fil
Qui nous sauve de tout péril
Elle nous guide vers le lendemain
Elle nous dirige vers le bon chemin

Que nous soyons d'une religion
Ou enfants d'une même région
Les hommes d'une autre face
Ou ceux d'une autre race

L'essentiel est de rester humain
Pour saisir la grâce sur le chemin.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Sunday, May 9, 2010



L'être se trouve toujours seul,
Sauf lorsqu'il se trouve avec soi-même.
Ceux qui croient aux amis,
Le croient honnêtement

Un ami est toujours en nous.
Tu ne peux croire en quiconque
Avant de croire en toi-même.
Si tu veux vraiment aider, lève-toi tôt.

L'aide demandée est déjà un péché.
Car celui qui la demande s'humilie.
Si tu peux, donne-la
Avant qu'elle ne devienne culpabilité

C’est la devise de l’être humain.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ecrire pour vider son coeur

Ecrire pour vider son coeur

Ecrire pour vider son coeur
Sans crainte et sans peur
Jusqu'à avoir accompli
Un monde paisible, sans souci

Il faut se tremper dans l'amour
Afin d'oublier les mauvais jours
nnoncer à ceux qui suivront
Les beaux jours qui viendront

Ecrivez, écrivez, surtout vivez
Votre vie, pas celle des autres
Pour rester dans la vie
Guidés par la loi et par l'ordre

Si l'univers est parfait
C'est grâce à la foi
Il se tient en balance
Par la force de la loi.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Truth is closer than we think but it takes time and life's experience to discover it. Blessed are those who find it.


In life we want to discover the truth,
We find some elements of it since our youth
We hope to always be on the right track
And are aware of this as we look back

Different signs opened our eyes
Others made us see the human lies
Or introduced us to the secrets of life
Like the love between man and wife

They say we can gradually discover
Ourselves, as our path we uncover
If we cultivate in us the spark of light
We will see it in the middle of the night

But we need to have some security
In order to survive with our purity
And not to lose the faith and our way
As our ancestors hinted every day

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Exploring the World of Children.

Exploring the World of Children.

Our space ships went to the moon
We may explore another planet soon
But a fact remains, we'll discover Mars
And are far from discovering our hearts

Everyone can explore the children’s world,
Theirs is not as remote as we thought
We have to forget that we are adults
If we want to get some results

But one condition: we have to be children again
In their world, there are no dispute, no complaint
It’s easier, as there’s no need for perfection
For money, for education, for baggage or connection

So simple: we have to think plainly, it’s never late
To free ourselves from all the burden and weight
We must be true and honest to ourselves
And revisit what’s on our shelves

There is no hierarchy in childhood roles
Being part of the game is one of the goals

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Monday, April 26, 2010

Peace and Tolerance

Peace and Tolerance

We believe that with love and tolerance
In the right direction we should advance
With all what in this life we do,
In spite of the tension we go through,
With all the criticism and the fight,
We should never lose sight,
That after darkness comes the light
And that the human race will unite
Will have to amalgamate
As this is the human fate.

This way we will be born anew
But ready are always a few
The goal is still very far
From the place where we are
Some signs can be seen
If we can carefully glean
They are reassuring,
Our faith is enduring
This is our motto today
Tomorrow it is our way

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Sunday, April 25, 2010



We are born with a tear
We start Life with pain and fear
The shock we get at birth
Makes us think if it is worth

Being pushed left and right
Confronting our first day light
Breathing for the first time, air
Fighting the fear who will dare?

When we first came here
We didn’t know about fear
Watching, feeling, not one word
Screaming, crying to get heard

Using patience without end
We sometimes have to pretend
Not knowing how to speak
We could only wait and peek

As a baby we can’t fight our fear
We have to accept what we hear
Parents are saying, they will grow
Their pain will soon have to go

Later they will learn to be free
Master their fears, not flee
Once they realize who they are
Their will see how they came so far

Knowing to dive and mastering this art
They find themselves deep in their heart
Human beings always strive
To survive and to find Life.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Friday, April 23, 2010

Expressions of Life

Expressions of Life

We are amazed when we see man’s creation
Are we wondering when we see nature's?
Thinking of nature and ourselves, we may find
The meaning of life and its beauty.

During childhood we feel without thinking,
Without understanding what happens to us.
When we think we understood life,
We realize that we didn’t understand a thing..

When we see something completely new,
Do we know that it is just a tiny portion of life?
Like the breeze, which we feel without seeing it;
The music, we hear, without seeing its waves.

We feel the love, the sadness and the pain,
Which penetrate us for no apparent reason.
Not knowing their substance, meaning, or sources.
All these are the real expressions of life,

Which we perceive through our feelings.
Some discover their meaning and what they hold
Others are completely indifferent to them.
Is this why we don’t understand each other?

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Whether we like a person or not, we ought to be respectful.


I did not vote for Obama
But I was educated to respect my elders.
Today Obama bowed before the Emperor of Japan and his wife.
I felt that this was an appropriate gesture from Obama.
This is a sign of respect for an elder man and his lady,
Even when representing a smaller country.
If the US wants to be respected among other nations
We have to first and foremost be polite, respectful, and graceful.
“The greatness of a party does not depend on the size of the land           
Nor on the number of its inhabitants, but on the quality of the people”*  Mendes France
We should not forget that Obama is our President.

Copyright 2009 Emile Tubiana

God Bless America

Prayer for our country and its citzens

God Bless America

We speculate about tomorrow
Will there be joy or sorrow
George Bush went ahead
When to the congress he said

Stop sleeping and dreaming
About our vanished loved ones
Cowardly killed and burned
So that a lesson may be learned

We should stay alert
So no one will get hurt
Fight evil the unwanted guest
Who is defiling our nest

Say good bye to the heroes
Who left us at Ground Zero
Look at the children and the weak
And at those who cannot speak

George Bush was definitely right
To be safe we have to fight
Using wisdom and intelligence
Technology, art and science

Surrounded by the three creeds
He was trying to sow good seeds
For Christianity, Judaism and Islam
Inviting cardinal, rabbi and imam

For the future we know with certainty
We are not going to live in misery
America will be strongest again
As we help each other. Amen!

The victory bells will ring anew
Enemies will vanish, that’s true
Let’s not lose our faith in the light
To make our future secure and bright

Copyright 2009 Emile Tubiana
The author's feelings about coming to earth.

From the Heights

From the Heights I had to fall
To find myself on earth,
I had to pass an unknown wall
From nothingness to birth.

When I first opened my eyes
I found myself in ties
Bundled-up in flesh and blood
Like a wondrous flower’s bud

A droplet of my mother’s milk
Caressed my cheeks like silk.
Then I slowly began to believe
That my former state I had to leave

I didn’t know what happened to me
When the attraction sucked me in
I may have lost the freedom I had
But being on earth made me glad

I entered my elders’ solid matter
Who created for us the ladder
Which for us is a relay
To regain our lost way

When I grew up I kept my faith
I realized that only prayer helps
I called “Father, You who are in me!”
My faith helped me in my new life,

When I learned from my elders
That while we are still partly matter
We have an invisible silver thread
Connecting us directly to our Father

In my heart I was pleased
And found serenity and peace
In the power of faith and hope
Which let us persevere and cope.

Copyright 2009 Emile Tubiana

From My Family Heritage

In my family, in order to avoid hurting the feelings of anyone, they taught us to speak with proverbs, to characterize any situation.

From My Family Heritage

Those who with arrogance and pride will leap
will never be wise or get very deep

Those who want to clean their veins
should get rid of their pains

Poverty teaches us endurance and patience
While circumstances lead to celebrations

Those who want to eat the others' bread
Their seeds in all directions should spread

Copyright 2009 Emile Tubiana

Freedom and Change

Men are driven to nowhere in the name of freedom and change

Freedom and Change

Man is a slave to his weakness.
He does not recognize when evil is consuming him
And, instead of getting rid of it,
He allows himself to be destroyed.

Men are driven to nowhere in the name of a slogan
Such as change, freedom, independence –
All kinds of funny words -
Words that please our ears and our hearts.

We love words which do in fact not mean anything
We do not always understand the words which reach us
From a talented speaker or politician
Coming from a microphone

With intonation and theatrical allure,
Like freedom, healthcare, equality, liberty, work place etc,
For which people are ready to give up their vote
And later maybe their faith and their lives.

No one asked for the real meaning of those words –
"Freedom" “Change” etc.
No one asked what kind of change they promise us.
What freedom can we see in the chains of our pride and hostility?

The freedom to be hungry and feel miserable?
Why talk about freedom from our chains.
Men are prisoners of their anatomy and deficiencies,
Of their traditions, of the education they have received

And of the society in which they live.
It is senseless to die for freedom without the real meaning of this word,
Actually, we must live for it. Let us rejoice in freedom,
But more so in a freedom of the mind and the freedom of the spirit.

This is a positive strength that helps us in our professional,
Social and personal environments.
And it is thanks to this strength that we achieve freedom - and attain love.
It is far easier to love one's neighbor than to fight him.

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana

For Unity in Our Nation

I am sad to see the nation divided through politics.

For Unity in Our Nation

Please leave the narratives
To my fellow writers.
Please do your job
As the constitution prescribes it
And create the atmosphere
Of unity, and not that of a split nation.
Please, do not create new words
In the political lexicon.
We can hardly follow
The ones we already have.
Please do not forget
That the American people
Is also made up of immigrants like myself,
Who have never taken English classes,
As we first had to create jobs
For those who were not able to.
As a French citizen
I came in the United States
To create a business and jobs,
With the same ideal and enthusiasm
As Le Marquis de La Fayette
And Le Comte de Rochambeau.
I love America as I knew it,
As one united, strong and
Determined Nation,
As I saw your brave soldiers in World War II
Falling and wounded –
Not as Democrats or as Republicans
Not as black or white.
They were all brave and courageous.
They fought as Americans and won.
Do not forget that just in World War II,
Many soldiers lost their lives in Europe and Asia
To protect our values
Are we One people or not?
With all due respect,
I don’t like to see
This nation divided
Along party lines.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Understanding fear, since our birth


We are born with a tear
We start Life with pain and fear
The shock we get at birth
Makes us think if it is worth

Being pushed left and right
Confronting our first day light
Breathing for the first time, air
Fighting the fear who will dare?

When we first came here
We didn’t know about fear
Watching, feeling, not one word
Screaming, crying to get heard

Using patience without end
We sometimes have to pretend
Not knowing how to speak
We could only wait and peek

As a baby we can’t fight our fear
We have to accept what we hear
Parents are saying, they will grow
Their pain will soon have to go

Later they will learn to be free
Master their fears, not flee
Once they realize who they are
Their will see how they came so far

Knowing to dive and mastering this art
They find themselves deep in their heart
Human beings always strive
To survive and to find Life.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Everyone Speaks His Own Language

In our beautiful world, will one day people understand each other, if one neighbor does not understand his neighbor?

Everyone Speaks His Own Language

Today I had a visit of one of our neighbors.
I offered him a cup of coffee
We sat in our living room
And spent an hour together.
He was so happy -
He thanked me for the coffee and said:
"It was nice seeing you and your lovely wife."
Then just before he left he said:
"We had a great conversation,
I enjoyed it very much ".
After he left, I looked at my wife and said:
"We didn't say a word,
He was the only one who spoke. "
She answered me: "Let him believe
That he had a good conversation with us."
I replied: "You are right, let him be happy,
We may have made his day".
Then I continued,: "Now you understand,
Why we need the United Nations.
The world is still turbulent.
Let everyone talk in his language".

Copyright 2009Emile Tubiana


Loving our neighbors is not enough, we must act, and we learned how.


When I think back to my school days, it strikes me like an oddity
That courtesy and politeness became a rare commodity.
People in our days sometimes forget, or did they ever learn?

For them, it seems, the rules of conduct are of no concern.
Some people will say “our demography has changed”
But we get along much better when friendly words are exchanged.
Many people do not say anymore the words “thank you” “may I” or “please”

Those who taught them to us wanted the burden of life to ease.
When one holds the door open for another with respect
Acknowledging this nice and decent act would be correct
When I was in grade school, our first class in the morning every day

Was an ethics and civility lesson - how to conduct ourselves, what to say
To help elderly people carry a heavy bag or hold the door
To be ready to rescue anyone in need, run an errand or do a chore
Those lessons are still resounding in my mind until now

Loving our neighbors is not enough, we must act, and we learned how.
Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Ecrire pour vider son coeur

Ecrire pour vider son coeur

French Poem - The feeling of writing

Ecrire pour vider son coeur

Sans crainte et sans peur
Jusqu'à avoir accompli
Un monde paisible, sans souci

Il faut se tremper dans l'amour
Afin d'oublier les mauvais jours
Annoncer à ceux qui suivront
Les beaux jours qui viendront

Ecrivez, écrivez, surtout vivez
Votre vie, pas celle des autres
Pour rester dans la vie
Guidés par la loi et par l'ordre

Si l'univers est parfait
C'est grâce à la foi
Il se tient en balance
Par la force de la loi.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Eclairer le Chemin

Mon Coeur serait rempli de joie

Eclairer le Chemin

Si mes écrits pourraient éclairer le chemin de ne serait-ce qu’un seul être humain j’aurai le cœur rempli de joie

Don't Worry

My Mom used to say: Sleep and let them worry.

Don't Worry

During the elections, I wrote a poem titled
"Who Wants Change?"
We can say thank God
this election is behind us.
Now is the turn of the media
if they still exist and have any objectivity left,
to express themselves.
Now the world cannot say anything,
they all pray for us
that we may succeed to survive
and reimburse what we owe.
Now we can sleep quietly
and let them worry about our wellbeing

Copyright 2009 Emile Tubiana

Don't Despair

Don't Despair

People are passing a difficult time
But it should not lead to despair
Life is very precious. Try to prepare,
As there is much more to climb

The heart's voice is imprinted with love
Listen to it, as it comes from above
In silence you'll find what is you, only
And you will never again feel lonely

Pray for those who make the decisions
They will be accountable with precision
Be patient, wait for the end of the turn
As all their efforts' results will return.

Copyright 2009 Emile Tubiana

Death and Life

Death and Life

Death is a mystery.
We pretend to know life.
We see ourselves as smart,
Actually we are ignorant.
Being alive is a mystery,
Knowing life is a blessing.
The more we know life,
The more we realize
How small we really are,
The more we gain strength.
Let us not waste our time.
Let us use each moment
Discovering the meaning of life.
If death is a mystery,
Life is the mystery of mysteries.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Create Your Little Worlds -Crée tes petits mondes

Create Your Little Worlds

The original poem was written by the author in French. He then translated it into English, in memory of a teenage girl named Eliza, who created this lovely painting.
She lost her life at the age of 15 in Paris, in an accident.

Create Your Little Worlds

You are so sweet and so pure
Your childhood is bursting with glory
But nothing seems to be hard for you
Blowing day and eve.

Your trees with golden leaves
Your birds, which fly towards you
Add to your charm a setting
Of joy, of innocence, and of happiness.

Do you know what you are doing?
You little girl
With the look of a fairy,
Honest and gentle

Make bubbles, make balls
You little girl, in silence
In the woods, far from the crowds
Create your little worlds.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

French poem dedicated to a teen-age painter. Create Your Little Worlds

The original poem was written by the author in French. He then translated it into English, in memory of a teenage girl named Eliza, who created this lovely painting.
She lost her life at the age of 15 in Paris, in an accident.

Ecrite à la mémoire d'Eliza, l=artiste qui avait peint le tableau des bulles.

Crée tes petits mondes

Tu es si douce et si pure
Ton enfance jaillit de gloire
Mais rien ne te semble dur
De souffler le jour et le soir

Tes arbres en feuilles d'or
Tes oiseaux qui volent vers toi
Ajoutent à ton charme un décor
De gaieté, d'innocence et de joie

Sais-tu ce que tu fais?
Toi petite fille
Avec ton regard de fée
Sincère et gentil

Sais des bulles, fais des boules
Toi petite blonde
Dans la forêt loin des foules
Crée tes petits mondes

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Christmas Time Is Beautiful

Christmas Time Is Beautiful

Seeing the houses dressed in light
Touches my heart with all the might

Because of the joy it creates
As everyone celebrates

It also reminds me of Jesus’deed
Which showed us the light we need

Likewise any festive event
Which makes people content

Creating light and joy on earth
Has its own special worth.

Not only because of what Jesus did
But especially because of who he is

And for the power of his presence
And for the light and love, his essence

For the prayer he taught us
For the peace he brought us

Blessed are those who feel his grace
Every day, in every place

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana

Choices and Decisions

If our choice does not rest on a solid foundation

We just have to say no or make a modification

Choices and Decisions

"Truth" and "falsehood" have no voice.
Hold on tight to your freedom of choice
Neutralize your selfishness and pride.
Let your duty towards yourself decide
And admit shortcomings, error and weakness
Which are tied to our character and uniqueness.
It is never too late to change direction,
To revise and modify choice and rejection
Crossing the desert on a sick camel is not wise
The risk is too big; being ashamed no one can advise
When we realize that we made a wrong decision
By following a path which goes against our vision.
If our choice does not rest on a solid foundation
We just have to say no or make a modification

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana

Bonne Année

Bonne Année

Que de souhaits et de voeux séchangent
Ce nouvel an, si seulement tout sarrange
Tout le monde serait heureux et content.

Pour la famille il faut plus qu'un souhait,
De belles paroles pour la bonne santé
Il faut mettre du cœur, de l'amour sans cesse

Que toutes mauvaises pensées disparaissent
Accueillons la nouvelle année avec gaîté
Les beaux jours de bonheur et de prospérité.

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana

Ma ville natale

Ma ville natale (Traduction)

Je suis revenu à toi, ma ville
Après cette longue nostalgie
J'ai senti les racines de mon coeur,
Comme les roses et le jasmin
Dans ta terre bénie,
Ton blé abondant,
Tes montagnes vertes
Etalées comme un tapis
De loin je t'ai honorée
Et à mon anniversaire je suis arrivé.
Je t'ai visitée, ma ville,
Après des années d'éloignement,
J'ai revu mon enfance,
Quand je t'ai apperçue de loin.
Ta beauté est grande,
Et meilleure que les richesses,
Ta beauté est celle de ma maman
Lorsque je tétais.
Je retounerai vers toi, ma ville,
Sans maquillage et sans henné
Avec mon âme sereine et mon coeur pur
Afin que l’on ne dise de toi
Que des paroles de vérité
Et des paroles d'amour et de pureté,
De notre seigneur
J'ai arraché de toi une bise,
Tu as ouvert mon coeur à l'amour
Se souvenant de toi aujourd'hui,
Mon coeur est apaisé
Ta joie est la mienne,
Ton amour est le mien
Dans ton centre repose
Le quartier de nos ancêtres,
L'oeil* du soleil,
La source des sources,
Toute en miel et en lumière
Je me nourris de toi
Depuis mon jeune âge, à ce jour.

* En Arabe, l'oeil veut aussi dire "source"

Copyright 1992 Emile Tubiana

B L A D I / La mia città natale


(La mia città natale)
Translation to Italian by Elia Boccara

Sono tornato da te,mia città
dopo questa lunga nostalgia
Ho sentito le radici del mio cuore,
come le rose e il gelsomino
Nella tua terra benedetta,
il tuo grano abbondante
Le tue montagne verdi
distese come un tappeto
Da lontano ti ho onorata
e per il mio compleanno sono arrivato.
Ti ho visitata, mia città
dopo anni di lontananza,
Ho rivisto la mia infanzia,
quando ti ho scorta da lontano.
La tua bellezza è grande,
e migliore delle ricchezze,
La tua bellezza è quella della mia mamma
quando mi allattava,
Tornerò verso di te, mia città,
senza trucco e senza henné
Con l'animo sereno e il cuore puro
Affinché di te si dicano
solo parole di verità
E parole di amore e di purezza,
Del nostro Signore.
Da te ho strappato un bacio,
hai aperto il mio cuore all'amore
Ricordandoti oggi
il mio cuore ha trovato pace
La tua gioia è la mia,
il tuo amore è il mio.

Copyright 1993 Emile Tubiana

Birthday in My Home Town / Bladi

Birthday in My Home Town after 46 years of absence.

A New Interpretation of "My Home Town" (Blahdee)
Translated by the author from his Arabic original. (Below)
Excerpt from his recently published book
"Les Tresors Caches" (The Hidden Treasures)
Published By l'Harmattan 2006 in Paris.

Birthday in My Home Town
I visited you, after years of longing
I felt the roots of my heart
Like roses and jasmine
Your abundant wheat
Your green mountains
Displayed like a carpet
From afar, I honored you
And on my birthday I visited you
Your beauty is that of my mother
When I was nursing
I will return to you, my town
Without make-up
With my serene soul and pure heart
So that they may only say of you
Words of truth
And words of our Lord
Of love and purity
I sneaked a kiss from you
You have opened my heart to love
Remembering you today
My heart is appeased
Your joy is mine
Your love is mine
In your center is the nest of my ancestors
Full of honey and light
I feed myself on you
From my young age, until now


Bladi (Blahdee)

Ba’ad el wahsh rezha’at leek ya blahdee
A’aroosh qalbee hassitem
Kif elward wel yasmin
Feehardek lemqadsha
Qamhek elembaza’
Zhbalek elkhadra
Kif el ahseera mfarsha
Men elby’id a’azeetek
Ooyoom miladi zheetek
Zoortek ya blahdee
Ba’ad essnin wel ghorba
Tfakert zookhri laoolanee
Kif shooftek mel ba’eed.
Zeenek ekbir
Azhmel men elkheer
Zeenek oowa zeen omee
Kif kunt nerda’a
Narzha’a lik ya blahdee
Bla harqooss oobla hena
Roohee mhenee oo qalbee safee
La had yeqool a’aleek
Ella leklam esheeh
Klam el hoob elmleeh
Ooklam rabna el a’alee
Naheet menek wahsha
Oo haleet lee qalbee lel emhaba
Tfakertik el yoom
Oo qalbee matmoom
Zaheetek heeya zaheetee
Oo hobek hooa hobi
Fi qalbek hoomet ezhdood
E’in Esemsh, e’in el a’yoon.
Koolha a’assel oo noor
Rada’a menik
Men sookhri lelyoom

Copyright 1992 Emile Tubiana

Beautiful Child

Beautiful Child

Oh my sweet and pure one, filled with cheerfulness
Shine, twinkle like the summer sun
Show your greatness, your glory, your immenseness

Rise! break through the night and the fog!
Your existence is not mere chance
Among children, grown-ups and the elderly

You know neither space nor time
Where you are it's always spring
That's why I have been waiting for you ever since

Let us walk towards you, towards your light
From the bottom of our hearts like from a quarry
Our songs and our prayers resound

Here you are in the firmament
Oh you! beautiful child
As shiny as a diamond

You do not know melancholy, sadness,
Sorrow, fear, distress
Hatred, rancor or weakness...

You overcame my distrust
From my early childhood on
This is why I trust you

You discern our thoughts with astuteness
You enter those hearts which are ready
To live in love and peace

You act only your way
Without arrogance, pride or appearance
In the rhythm of your good pace

You know neither battle nor war
All men are brothers to you
In your life, that of your father

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana