Emile Tubiana
Ma terre natale

Beja, Tunisise

« Vous voyez ces plaines! Elles sont une partie de moi-même et moi je suis une partie d'elles! » Puis : « Elles sont sacrées ». Ces champs et ces plaines restent toujours ma terre natale, comme pour un Français les Vosges ou la vallée du Rhône, comme pour un Allemand la Rhénanie ou la Westphalie. Et vous, habitants de cette noble cité, mes voisins, mes amis, vous qui êtes nés de la même terre, nos familles ont vécu des siècles sous le même ciel, nous avons dégusté ensemble l’air pur de nos plaines, de nos montagnes et de nos collines, nous avons été bercés par le même amour que nos grands-mères et nos grands-pères ont su nous transmettre. Ils nous ont enrichis du patrimoine spirituel accumulé de génération en génération pendant des siècles. Je ne me souviens pas de vos noms ni de vos visages, mais je sais qui vous êtes, que vous soyez vivants ou dans l’au-delà, je vous reconnaîtrai de si loin, car vous êtes les grains de cette même terre que moi, et je vous aime inconditionnellement. Vous allez me dire:

« Pourquoi vous nous avez quittés, juste lorsque nous avions le plus besoin de vous? » Je vous répondrai:

« C’est ma destinée qui a voulu me conduire et me forger afin que je découvre les valeurs de nos ancêtres et de l’amour. Sans cette destinée je serais comme une bougie sans la flamme qui nous éclaire et qui nous anime, tout simplement un homme sans vie. Peu importe si vous m’aimiez ou pas et si vous appartenez à une religion ou à une autre. Le fait que vous êtes nés de la même terre, vous êtes de la même graine que moi, et rien au monde ne pourra changer l’empreinte spéciale qui nous distingue de tout le monde et qui fait de nous le bagi (le béjaois). Que nous soyons proche ou loin de notre de notre terre natale, ce n’est qu’elle qui pourra nous fertiliser et nous rendre ce que nous devons être, des ‘Êtres Humains’. Un pigeon voyageur retrouvera toujours la direction et l’endroit où il est né. C’est un aimant qui nous relie à notre terre, indépendamment de notre raison, de notre religion ou de la couleur de notre passeport. Certains l’appellent attachement à la patrie. Quelle idée? Moi je l’appelle tout simplement l’amour. »


Emile, ya khouya el'ghali, ya Aziz!!

Tes paroles me touchent au plus profond de mon âme...
En effet, Rien n'est plus cher et plus unique que la terre qui nous a vu naître, et qui nous a bercé et nourri de son amour tellement humble et généreux, mais si beau et si profond!
Je veux remercier en toi, l'´Ami et le Fils de cette belle terre natale commune, pour tous les sentiments que tu éveilles en nous, et qui reflètent ce côté inébranlable et indéniable, qui a fait de nous ce que nous sommes, aujourd'hui.

Encore Merci!
Amitiés tunisiennes

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Bel enfant

Oh! Ma douce et pure, pleine de gaieté
Brille scintille comme le soleil d’été
Montre ta grandeur, ta gloire, ton immensité
Surgis! Brise la nuit et le brouillard!
Ton existence n’est pas simple hasard
Chez les petits, les grands et les vieillards
Tu ne connais ni espace, ni temps
Chez toi c’est toujours le printemps
Voilà depuis je t’attends
Allons vers toi, vers ta lumière
Du fond de nos coeurs et des carrières
Résonnent nos chants et nos prières.
Te voici au firmament
Oh! Toi bel enfants
Luisante comme le diamant
Tu éblouis ceux qui de découvre
Et c’est ainsi que tes porte souvrent
Dans le monde qui nous engouffre
Tu ne connais ni mélancolie, ni tristesse
Ni chagrin, ni peur, ni détresse
Ni haine, ni rancune, ni faiblesse...
Tu décèle nos pensées avec sagacité
Tu pénètres les coeurs qui sont prêts
A vivre dans l’amour et la paix
Tu n’agis que dans ton sens
Sans orgueil, sans fierté, sans apparence
Dans le rythme de ta bonne cadence
Tu ne connais ni bataille, ni guerre
Pour toi tous sont frères
Dans ta vie, celle de ton père.

Copyright  1965 Emile Tubiana

Monday, August 27, 2012

Wake Up America!


Wake Up America!
I know that my fellow Americans have ethusiastically voted for Obama three and a half year ago. I hope that the intelligent ones among them have realized by now the meaning of their choice and their vote. I knew from the beginning that Obama’s intentions were different from any American president’s before him. I also knew that his dreams would transform America as we can see it now and even more, in order to share its wealth with the entire world, at any cost, and without any consideration for the unemployed, the rising cost of living, the out-of-control cost of fuel and of healthcare.    
However, at the age of 80, having children and grandchildren, and having lived through WWII, having experience Nazism, communism, and socialism, I know that sooner or later, the American people will not tolerate Obama’s “change”. Everyone who was an immigrant or is immigrating now was dreaming of the opposite.
This is why I am calling on all Americans today to please not succumb again to his nice but empty words. If Obama would like to fulfill his dream, he should do this in his own house, as his dream is not the dream of everyone. I feel it is arrogance to impose his dream on us. Everyone has his own dream, but not everyone’s is the same as his. Now that I see the suffering of millions of unemployed people and the staggering number of food stamp recipients, I know that the healthcare he is imposing on everyone will not be sustainable. Obama, with all due respect, spoke about “change” but never cared to tell the people what kind of change he meant. The change that he dreamt about takes hundreds of years to accomplish, without upsetting the people.
Today’s media is trying to take advantage of Obama, for their own purpose, by saying that he should be given four more years – in the meantime their profits would go up.
Mr. President, I know your dream, but you cannot share it with the American people and also impose it on foreign countries. This is not fair. I mean – “the Arab Spring”. I myself was born in Africa and I would love to see the entire African continent being developed. It took Europe centuries and numerous wars to reach the level where it is today. This is why I am not happy that you encouraged Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and now Syria to change regime, while the people were not ready. Changing a dictatorship for a theocracy is no progress. You did it without telling anybody about your intentions. Do you realize what responsibility you took upon yourself and upon the United States?
I know these countries. Under Ben Ali, Mubarak, Khadafy the people were living peacefully, and those who were able emerged. They had a home, order, and stability. Do you know the situation in these countries now? As to Syria, we have done nothing to show the way to Bashir Assad and to his father, without wars. Even as we stand now, we do not know who would replace Assad – the Al Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood? As for its neighbor, Israel, I am sure that they will eventually find a modus vivendi. In my view it is not necessary to send in our forces to safeguard the chemical weapon stockpiles, as long as Assad remains in power.
As to Iran, remember how it was with the Soviet Union. All that was needed was a strong and determined hand. But you did not do it. If you would have affirmed your position unequivocally, they would have yielded. Think of Alexander the Great. The Persians eventually gave up and even sang praise songs for him. Please allow me to give you an Iranian saying, “A determined man is worth 1000 undecided.” Leave things as they are in the US, for the few months that are left. Try to fix however what you have destroyed in these Arab countries. Don’t leave your job unfinished.
Do you know how the situation is today, in the countries of the Arab Spring? In Tunisia, in Egypt and in Libya the people are far worse off than they were before.
Copyright Emile Tubiana    


Monday, December 5, 2011



Laissons les choses à leur place
Lorsque nous prenons de l'âge
Regardons bien la vie en face
Pour garder une bonne image

On n'est pas ce que l'on pense
Quand on est libre, on avance
Le passé peut nous basculer
Lorsque nous serons les aînés

Aimer, vers, chants et musique
D'une langue ou d'une autre
À nous-mêmes nous le devons
Afin d'atteindre notre tréfonds.

Tout passe dans la vie,
Les problèmes et les maux
Endormis que nous sommes,
Ne ratons pas l'heure du flot.

Le vieil âge nous rend beaux
Car nous sommes bien rodés
Pour ne pas tomber dans le faux
Il faut surtout cesser de douter

Guéri du passé et des maladies
De l'orgueil, et de l'ignorance
Restons dans notre monde béni
Avec notre sagesse et innocence.

Eli Ihab Ennya Yelqaha fetnya

Copyright 2000 Emile Tubiana

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Les fleurs de mon jardin

Les fleurs de mon jardin

J'aime les fleurs et je les comprends
Je les regarde, elles me rendent content,
Mais de honte et de pudeur
Elles me cachent leur vraie splendeur.

Avec leurs pétales et leurs couleurs
Elles dégagent le charme et le bonheur
Si je les observe avec mes yeux
Elles grandissent sous le ciel bleu.

Elles n'aiment pas être dévoilées
Les admirer mais sans toucher.
Elles grandissent tout en cachette
Et me font sentir mon bien-être.

J’aime les fleurs et les planter
Le matin j’aime bien les arroser
Elles s’épanouissent au soleil
Tous les jours elles m’émerveillent

J'aime les fleurs mais pas en bouquets
Je les préfère vivantes et pas coupées.
Je les soigne et les arrose tous les jours
Elles me montrent leur beauté à leur tour.

Copyright 2011 Emile Tubiana

Monday, March 28, 2011

C’est aussi ma terre

C’est aussi ma terre

La terre ne se laisse pas faire
Elle remet ce que les hommes
Ont fait à tort et à travers
Dans son magnifique royaume

Ne vous inquiétez pas,
Le printemps reviendra
Les fleurs pousseront
Et les malades guériront

Notre monde sera à nouveau
Paisible, doux, calme et beau
Comme le disent les sages
Qui ont atteint un bel âge

Soyons confiants et joyeux
Car nous sommes des amoureux
Pas comme ceux qui ont peur
Mais des êtres avec cœur

Copyright 2011 Emile Tubiana

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Power of a Smile

The Power of a Smile

“Smile to life and life will smile to you,” my mom used to say. I’m adding, “We could be very happy if we would not think about tomorrow”. Let our destiny do its work as everything is in us.

We should try to be always happy and we should surround ourselves with joy. The future will always be different than we thought. Of course it is our duty to do our best in every circumstance, whether it is at home, at work, or elsewhere.

It is not always possible to maintain our soul at the same height. But everyone should try to be his or her own guide. When the day does not seem to be as we would have liked it to be we should allow ourselves to do something that makes us happy or to offer to someone else something that makes him or her feel good.

This may be just a smile or a nice word or gesture. We should not let sadness or the worries overcome us. It is not only others that we make happy but mainly we make ourselves happy. By acting so we open the sources of joy and happiness for us and for others.


Smile, smile, fill yourself
With joy, love and smile
Humans are sensitive to life
Sensitive to love and to smile
If you understand this part
You will understand smile
You will discover life
As it is, with your heart
In your heart you will see
The vibrant look of love
That you cherish the most,
The smile in your heart

Copyright 2011 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, February 1, 2011



The best about tomorrow
Which heals our sorrow
Is the promise of the light
When the sun shines bright,
Filling our heart with hope
Showing us its scope
So everyone can cope
And climb life’s slope
If we just keep steadily going
Happiness will soon be showing
That we are on the right way
And can put our trust in today
Fearing tomorrow is blasphemous
As our spirit is always with us
Guiding us in love and light
Till with ourselves we unite.

Copyright 2011 Emile Tubiana

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Life on Earth

Do we know why we are here?

Life on Earth

We are still guessing, no one agrees
No one dares disturbing his ease
Anyone remembers why we are here?
Actually, we don’t talk, as we fear
Before we succumbed to the shock
We felt the strength of a large rock
Those who remember are brilliant
Others, left guessing, are resilient
At the end of our struggling tourney
We see that life is a training journey

Copyright 2011 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gifts of Life

Gifts of Life

A moment of life
Cannot be kept
If we don’t live it
Its loss we accept

The time we sleep
Is definitely lost
But gives us strength
For journey’s length

Natural beauty
Has its value in store
Is self-sufficient
Needs no decor

Accept gifts of life
They are not in vain,
They are special,
Bring you only gain

Copyright 2011 Emile Tubiana

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our Raison D’être

Our Raison D’être

Our raison d’être is not to be blind
But of a happy, good-hearted nature
And not to be stubborn but be kind

Be always gentle and friendly
Simply acting with serenity
Guided by life and necessity

Let us grow like a seed in the land
Let our flame be above water and sand
To light our soul without any end

Copyright 2011 Emile Tubiana

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Politics and Faith do not Mix

Politics and Faith do not Mix

A few TV stations brought up the subject of Jesus.
Without mentioning any name or channel -
When it comes to religion, I don’t like
The way people talk, especially during the time before Christmas

Jesus is neither a left man nor a right man
Jesus is neither a Christian nor a Jew

Jesus was prepared for millions of years
Before he came to this earth
To help human beings in their misery
As he saw that people were losing their path

Those who are destined to know him
Will know that what distinguishes him
From all other spiritual helpers who came at different times
Is his immense power of Love, which guides
And elevates all those who follow him
To a spiritual state of goodness and grace

I will take only one position
In reference to the rich and the poor
Both sides are necessary for life to flourish
For people to aspire to do better

There is no society in which there are no differences
In wealth, in position, in power – it’s just called by different names

I’m asking everyone to think about this
In which society human beings would prefer to live?
Being poor among the poor – with no hope of improvement
Or poor among the rich with the opportunity to become like them

Wealth brings greater responsibility for those who are worthy of it
While poverty is not a shame and has driven many to great achievements
Honesty and love in the heart is the key to understanding
Who Jesus is

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Grains of Truth

Grains of Truth

There are grains of truth in every religion
Which have been altered to fit the others’ vision
The ancient sages who wrote the holy text
Were not expecting what happened to it next
They just wanted to transmit certain truths
To those who were seeking them, old and youths
And allow those of their nation who were asleep
To awaken and find themselves, going deep.
However those who came later had no qualm
Changing the text, they did not lose their calm
They were sure what they did was a good thing
As it would serve their ways, they were figuring
Their intentions may have been sincere
But the essential failed to be clear
That the slightest change in the words, or their length
Would make them lose their meaning and strength
Which the old sages wanted to transmit
And to their generation tried to commit.
What was added later changed the way we perceive
What through these old messages we receive.
Today everyone holds on to the text he knows
From his parents, as the most precious prose
Carrying the sole and pure verity
This is why I must say in all sincerity
Do not argue with those of different belief
Even if you may feel this as a relief
The one who argues and the one who hears him out
Have learned these words year in year out
This is why we must respect others’ opinion
And over ourselves maintain dominion
By keeping silence and calm in our heart
And building our happiness as an art.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana

Les parcelles de vérité

Les parcelles de vérité

Chaque religion est basée sur des parcelles de vérité
Par la suite décorées pour bien être acceptées
Les géants qui avaient laissé des textes sacrés,
Afin d’éclairer les êtres perdus, qui cherchaient,
Avaient l’intention de transmettre certaines vérités
Pour permettre au peuple endormi de se réveiller.
Ceux qui venaient après n’étaient pas scrupuleux
Ils changeaient les paroles des vieux
Pour leur servir, croyant faire mieux.
Pourtant pensant en embellissant bien faire,
Cette action leur semblait nécessaire
Pour la compréhension de l’être humain
Ils changeaient les mots de leurs propres mains
Leur intention semblait de bonne foi et sage
Mais ne se rendait pas compte des dommages
Le moindre changement des paroles, parfois
Changeraient le sens et la force à la fois
Que les sages voulaient transmettre
Dans les textes originaux à tous les êtres.
Ces ajouts avaient changé entièrement
La perception des messages d’antan
Aujourd’hui chacun s’accroche aux écrits
Que les parents lui avaient transmis
Comme l’unique et la pure vérité
C’est pourquoi il ne faut pas argumenter
Avec quelqu’un d’une autre croyance
Même si celui-ci nous fait confiance
Celui qui argumente et celui qui l’écoute
Avaient appris ces paroles goutte par goutte
Depuis de longues années. C’est pourquoi
Il faut respecter les opinions et la foi
En gardant le silence et le calme dans son cœur
C’est ainsi qu’on découvre son bonheur.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana